Monday, April 30, 2007

First Post Ever!

WooHoo! This is my first post ever! For this first post, I will start out with some fairly recent, but not my most recent, crafty creations. I will play catch up and post the rest of my creations up to date later. Anyway, I participated in a and ornament swap this past Christmas, which involved creating ornaments to decorate a tree that may or may not have anything to do with Christmas and could be made using any medium desired. Well, I kind of went off the deep end and made mine kind of, well... some might classify them as anti-Christmas, but my intention was really Fantasy. My theme was 'Myth and Magic' and my medium was polymer clay. I guess I should have chosen a theme that was either more neutral or closer to Christmas, because the person administrating the swap had to get in touch with the other participants to see if they would be comfortable with receiving one of my ornaments. Which, I thought it was very nice of her to be concerned with my ornaments getting a good home. Now, without further delay, here are the ornaments:






Okay, so now that you've seen them, I just have a few final comments about them. The jackalope was my favorite. I was kind of mad at the selkie because she ended up with a squashed potato nose. The dryad was my second favorite and looks much better in real life. I was only mildly satisfied with the mermaid because she ended up with sort of a big weird head and bug eyes, and then she went and died in transit. The voodoo doll was the easiest to make, but in the end I felt maybe he was a little to creepy for this swap, even though I do like him very much.

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