Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Poring from Ragnarok Online

My husband and one of my brothers like to play RO, which is loaded with all sorts of cute little creatures. Somehow or another, I stumbled upon a pattern for one of these creatures known as a Poring. So I ended up making two of these things, one for each of them.

If you are interested in making one yourself, here is the pattern that I used:
However, I did do a couple of things differently. I only cut out the body and the eye pieces. As for the eye highlight and the wierd little pieces they give you to patch the top and bottom, I just skipped those. To get the bottom and top to shut nicely, while the piece was inside out, I just ran a needle and thread through the fabric near the edge by hand, pulled it snug, and tied off my thread. For the mouth, instead of sewing a cord onto the body, I just embroidered a mouth with some black embroidery floss. For the eyes, I just stitched the felt circles flat onto the body and did not stuff them at all. For the eye highlight, I put a dab of fabric paint on each eye, which is much easier than trying to cut out a stupid little piece of felt that small.

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