Sunday, May 20, 2007

Kitschy Shadow Boxes

I made these kitschy shadow boxes for Craft Challenge #12- 'Kitschy Craft Contest' on Craftster. The rules included that your entry had to use at least three materials from this list: pipe cleaners, dried pasta, gimp (a.k.a. plastic lacing), popcicle sticks, plastic easter grass, pom poms, and potholder loops. From this list I chose to use popcicle sticks, pom poms, and pipe cleaners. Materials I used in addition to the ones on the list include craft felt, plastic toys (from the dollar store), wood glue, hot glue, and wood stain with polyurathane. Now, here are some closeups:

Although I did not win the contest, I was very excited that I did get 12 votes. There were a lot of good entries, and I will admit that my entry was not at as high a level as that of a few others, including the winner. Really, I was just glad that someone out there liked my stuff, because I was really proud of how these turned out. They were relatively simple and easy to make, but I feel the results are pretty clean and professional looking considering the materials they are constructed out of. I think this would be a great project for both children and adults.

*Tutorial coming soon

My husband also entered the contest and his creation is known as the Lord Gawd King Elephant of Kitsch. He also selected popscicle sticks, pipe cleaners, and pom poms as his materials from the list. He also added a very unique material to the inside of his elephant . . . fireworks. A few months after the contest, he lit this baby on fire and it exploded and burned down to a charred mess. Here it is, pre-burning:

Sorry, there are no burning and post-burning pictures available. I seem to have lost them.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That is abso-freakin-lutely fantastic! I love the Lord Gawd King Elephant of Kitsch. What a shame there are no burning photos, though.